Working from Home? Can You Avail of IVF Treatment Now?

May 2, 2024
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It has been 42 years since the inception of IVF treatment but it's never too late to ask some basic questions about the procedure. Women, who are considering going through the procedure for the first time or have been suggested to, might find these answers necessary, more so during lockdown that made us completely dependent on google for all our queries.

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What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization is one of the most common assisted reproduction methods where the female's eggs are taken outside and are fertilized in the IVF laboratory with a partner's sperm and are allowed to grow for a few days before being transferred back to the woman's womb.

Why is it required?

IVF is an advanced reproductive technique which is used for the treatment of various male & female fertility disorders like low /nil sperm count in males, blocked fallopian tubes, decreased egg counts in females. to reproduce by bypassing a few infertility conditions in both male and female partners. Common ones are sperm abnormalities in men and ovulation or fallopian tube complexities in females.

Read more : Inside IVF: Everything You Need to Know

How successful is it?

The success of the procedure depends on many factors. Overall the chances of success in the first attempt are around 50%. Sometimes a woman has to go for 2-3 cycles to achieve pregnancy.

The pandemic has brought with it the lockdown that has confined us all indoors and that has raised several queries on how to avail IVF during these conditions and whether it is even safe to go through the procedure now  There are many women who were planning for IVF cycles, and due to this pandemic, all their plans have been frozen.  what should women who are working from home do in these difficult times? There are already a number of myths and misconceptions regarding IVF alone and this pandemic has only added to the problems. Also, a few mothers had already undergone embryo transfer and are scared about visiting the clinic for the follow-up check-ups, due to increased risk of infection or just because of the hectic work from home schedules.

Learn more: Things You Should Know About IVF Treatment

Here are few pointers to remember about IVF during these times of the pandemic:

Video consultations:

Those who are planning to start the IVF cycles and are scared of visiting the fertility clinics, can take up video/consultation with the fertility experts. All precycle assessments and follow up can be done over video/online consultation during this pandemic. After pregnancy is confirmed, antenatal follow up can also be done online. During this pandemic, to decrease the risk of exposure, doctors are promoting minimum required hospital visits.

Book online video consultation with Best fertility specialist in India.

Safety and sanitization:

One should not forget social, distancing and sanitization in the living areas and in the clinics also even if you require a clinic visit, at Cloudnine, she need not worry about the hygiene standards as we keep our standards as directed by the GOI making any number of visits completely safe.

One of the most asked questions is if it is safe to get IVF treatment during these pandemic times. The virus is yet new to humankind, but to date, no research has provided any information about the virus being transmitted to the baby if the mother is infected. Further, there is no evidence of pre-term labour, increased risk of miscarriages, or risk of congenital defects.

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one the most preferred fertility treatments but one must always be careful in choosing the facility to go forward with it. The success rate must always be given priority while choosing a facility.

Cloudnine has one of the best IVF success rates across the country and has brought in revolutionary growth in IVF technology in the country, turning many couples into families and making up to their hopes and expectations.