A Belly for Me, a Baby for You: The Way Surrogacy Works

May 2, 2024
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Imagine growing a precious garden in your neighbour's balcony because it had a tad more sunshine than your own. Your neighbour wouldn't mind; in fact, she'd be more than happy to rent out a little corner because the extra rent would do her well. Over time, your garden would blossom over with fresh, dewy flowers that your neighbour would graciously tip over into your balcony. And when they were firmly rooted and strong enough to survive without their garden patch, she would replant them in a charming planter and hand them over to you.

Surrogacy is something like that. There's a garden, a neighbour and there's you. Only this garden isn't one you can see.

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Understanding Surrogacy

In India, surrogacy typically refers to gestational surrogacy, an arrangement that involves the growth of a couple's biological child in another woman's womb, often because of a medical constraint or predisposition. Surrogacy is helpful for couples where the female partner has been diagnosed with a weak uterus or existing medical conditions, or has faced recurrent implantation failures. It is also a favourable route for women who plan to become single mothers.

Suitable Profiles for Surrogacy

A surrogacy programme can help in an array of cases. An unconducive uterus, a history of implantation failures or prior medical or surgical outcomes may point a couple towards surrogacy, especially when a pregnancy may be considered too risky or dangerous for the female partner. Surrogacy is also a preferred route to single parenthood for men and women.

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Steps of Surrogacy on Cloudnine

  • Step 1. Surrogate Selection

Once you green-flag your surrogacy programme, Cloudnine relays orders to its partner bank to identify a suitable surrogate based on predetermined clinical and physical criteria.

  • Step 2. Surrogate Evaluation

Once a suitable match is found, the prospective surrogate's pregnancy potential is checked with the help of scans and blood investigations. These aim to rule out medical conditions and infections.

Must read - What Are The Most Common Causes Of Female Infertility?

  • Step 3. Legal Contract

Signing The Legal Agreement On Surrogacy

A legal contract-cum-consent form binding you, your partner and your surrogate for the duration of the pregnancy is signed. A similar contract with the same three parties and the addition of a fourth party, the assisted reproductive technology bank, is also signed. By signing both contracts, you agree to take full responsibility of your child, pay for your surrogate's pregnancy expenses and take full responsibility of her until delivery. Likewise, the surrogate relinquishes all rights over any children she delivers under the surrogacy arrangement.

  • Step 4. Uterus Preparation

Your surrogate's womb is prepared for embryo transfer through a medication plan aimed at fortifying the uterine lining.

  • Step 5. Embryo Transfer

Finally, your eggs and your husband's sperm are united to form embryos via in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Embryos produced through this process are matured over a four to six day period and then transferred to your surrogate's uterus.

Must read - How Gestational Surrogacy Complete Your Family?

Advantages of Surrogacy on Cloudnine

Surrogacy is a gold star in the fertility basket on Cloudnine, and offers a unique path to couples unable to carry a baby to term on their own. Surrogacy on Cloudnine is an elevated programme that offers a remarkable edge over standard surrogacy arrangements. Our pool of surrogate mothers is carefully sieved based on a stringent set of fertility criteria, with the most significant being age. Members of our surrogacy pool are all young, fit and healthy and are reviewed for diseases and medical conditions through a sacrosanct series of scans and blood tests. Not only that, but all of our surrogates have produced at least one healthy child in the past.

On Cloudnine, our surrogacy arrangements are strictly governed by an upstanding, ethical protocol, so you'll never have to worry about safety or confidentiality. Meet a fertility specialist to know more. On Cloudnine, we'll have your garden waiting. It's for you to plant your seed.