What are the female health complications which lead to infertility?

May 2, 2024
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In this digitized era of online food delivery, cab services, pick-up and drop services, etc. you get comfort for sure but, what is comfort without good health? People have abused online services and eventually, the lack of healthy food, lifestyle, and exercise has contributed to a lot of health risks, one of them being infertility.Couples (especially women) face a tremendous amount of stress in their effort to extend their family. The inability to conceive seems like it's beyond one's control but with the increasing medical facilities and a healthy lifestyle, one can overcome this infertility barrier easily.

What is female fertility?

In simple female fertility is the woman's ability to bear a biological child. Mostly, it has been noticed that couples get agitated if they fail to conceive within a few months of having unprotected sex. But hold your horses, my deary, a few months cannot decide your fertility. It generally takes at least one year to raise a question on your fertility, be it a man or a woman.

Is there any female health complication which can lead to infertility?

Well yes, many factors can lead to infertility in a female, and one of them is her health complications. And not just one there is many. Given below are few health complications which can lead to female infertility:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility. Here, a woman's ovaries (in few cases adrenal glands) produce more hormones (androgens) than usual which interferes with the development of the ovarian follicles and release of eggs (ovulation process).As a result, the imbalance in hormones disrupts the normal ovulation process.

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where the cells normally lining the uterine cavity (endometrium) are found outside the uterus. This is one of the main reason for female infertility because it causes a chemical and structural change in the reproductive organ (lining of the uterus) which may affect the embryo's ability to implant itself on the uterine wall and make it difficult for a woman to stay pregnant after conception.

  • STD's

STD's can cause fallopian tube damage or blockage which results in infertility. This is because the eggs in the ovaries cannot travel through the fallopian tube to enter the uterus for fertilization.

  • Premature ovarian insufficiency

In a few cases, the female ovaries stop working before she is 40 years of age due to surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, some disease or even naturally which leads to female infertility.

  • Hypothalamic Dysfunction

The hypothalamus is located in the center of the brain and controls the reproduction process. It produces the hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which stimulates the production of other hormones like the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which is needed for the egg to mature and for ovulation. In case of a faulty of the dysfunctional hypothalamus, there is no GnRH, which in turn will reduce the number of other hormones produced (FSH, LH, and estrogen) and hence disrupts the ovulation process and menstruation, resulting in infertility.

  • Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are noncancerous growths that form inside the uterus. They are generally harmless and they go away in time. But if it develops during your reproductive phase, then it can cause infertility since it can change the shape of the uterus, which can eventually interfere with the movement of sperm and implantation.