Natural Fertility Supplement

May 2, 2024
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What is meant by natural fertility?

It is the fecundity during offsprings when a person can produce without taking any form of birth control measures. It could be measured by the fecundability for every individual to the average fecundability among healthy individuals of the general population.

What factors determine the ability to conceive?

The factors that determine the ability of an individual to conceive are:

1) Susceptibility factors such as menarche, lactational anovulation, menopause as well as sterility.

2) Factors of Fecundability: individual length and proportion of different ovulatory cycles, the time period of fertility, and the probability of conception throughout the insemination across the fertile period.

What are the basic factors affecting natural fertility & how do we come in tune with them?

Factors affecting natural fertility are the following:

  • Paying attention to hormonal imbalances:

Oestrogen and progesterone are two of the most important hormones for optimal fertility, and they need to be balanced in order to optimize the body during pregnancy.

Must read - What is hormonal imbalance?

  • Risk factors:

Advanced ageing (a thirty-year-old woman has more chance of conceiving compared to someone aged 40), weight (being extremely thin or overweight affects oestrogen levels produced in our fat cells so too much or too little fat on the body can wreak havoc on oestrogen levels), reproductive history and length of time trying to conceive can have a significant impact the likelihood of becoming pregnant and having a healthy, full-term pregnancy without any complications. Endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, fibroids, or a thyroid disorder are the factors that one needs to watch out for.

  • Psychological factors:

Adrenal gland releases hormones in response to stressors like intense emotion, physical injury, overexertion, or environmental factors, such as eating unhealthy foods and chemical exposure. In order to maintain a proper equilibrium, it is important that one pays attention to stress issues every day. Meditation, relaxation techniques, listening to music, exercise or sports help to manage stress levels.

  • Diet:

Food with low toxic content that should be chosen for consumption, which is grown and raised naturally. Pesticides affect both male and female in terms of reproductive health. Especially among the male population, pesticides affect sperm health by reducing sperm motility, sperm count, overall male fertility, and ultimately results in hormonal imbalance. In women, pesticides negatively affect fertility by disturbing the production of the hormone, its release as well as storage, effective thyroid functioning, and the entire central nervous system.

Fats that are healthy like eggs and their yolks, oil from coconut, fish and other forms of seafood, unmixed butter and ghee, as well as raw nuts tend to occupy an important role in hormonal balance, while cholesterol produces important hormones specifically estrogens, progesterone and testosterone.

  • Controlling blood sugar levels:

Processed carbohydrates and sugar provides us with a rapid surge in blood sugar levels, which is then usually followed by a headache, exhaustion, irritability, anxiety.

As such, it is essential to put a limitation on the consumption of processed carbohydrates, such as pasta, cookies, etc.

  • Adequate rest is essential:

Pregnant women must have seven to nine hours of sleep every day along with few short naps during the day, which if denied, might lead to developmental problems not only for the mother but for the child as well.

  • Using Probiotics

Why probiotics?

Consuming live bacteria which are beneficial for maintaining healthy flora in your body is very essential.

Some of the important ones being used intensively include:

  • Kelp powder:

Kelp powder is a large, leafy seaweed belonging to the brown algae family that grows in forests€ in the colder waters of the world's ocean

  • The Bacillus strains:

The Bacillus strains (such as Bacillus Indicus HU36, Bacillus Clausii, Bacillus Coagulans) support the immune system producing important nutrients in the digestive system through which they can be actively absorbed.