North, West or South, Cloudnine's the best, No Doubt!

May 2, 2024
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Ever since the first IVF baby was born in the month of July 1978, the miraculous techniques to fertilize human sperm and ova outside the body in a Petri dish and implant them directly into the womb has been announced as an exceptional achievement in the field of fertility till today. A million babies have been born who perhaps could not have been born otherwise. Cloudnine Group of hospitals are proud of the fact that they are a leading entity to make the impossible happen and provide many aspiring parents with a purpose to look forward in life and happily complete their families.

Cloudnine's IVF treatments are top-notch so are all the other assisted reproductive treatments. Owing to the advancements in the field of infertility studies so much is possible, like;

  • Egg freezing is no longer considered experimental
  • We can more reliably select the best embryos for I.V.F.
  • Men who were previously considered 'infertile' have more options- like PESA, TESA, Micro-TESE
  • We're better at freezing ovarian tissue for later use
  • We're getting a better understanding of how lifestyle affects fertility
  • We have better fertility-preserving surgeries for cancer patients

Must Read: Cycles Of Hope: Rising Above Repeated IVF Failure

  • Embryo Vitrification
  • Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
  • Assisted Hatching
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • Freeze All Embryos€ IVF Cycle
  • Time-lapse imaging
  • Better culture media

Cloudnine is the best fertility centre in the country not only because of its advanced IVF treatments but also because it's highly advanced infrastructure and expert fertility specialists. Cloudnine's fertility technology success is the best across the country due to the following accomplishments;

  • Better storage and maintenance of potency of IVF drugs
  • Options of both IVF and ICSI
  • Laser for assisted hatching
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  • Best culture media
  • Sperm Slow media for a better selection of sperms
  • Oocyte freezing
  • Excellent Embryo vitrification process
  • Good thawing media for frozen embryo transfer
  • Best embryo transfer catheters and OPU needles
  • Ivf stimulation for cancer patients
  • Oocyte Donation program- no hassles
  • Sperm donor samples-ethics followed
  • Surrogacy embryo transfers
  • Freeze all embryos Ivf cycle as well as fresh embryo transfer
  • Single embryo transfer-minimizing multiple pregnancies, increasing live birth
  • Low miscarriage rate in IVF cycles
  • Individual IVF drug dosing for each patient.
  • Regular QA and QC for our labs
  • Best trained Embryologists
  • Best auditing and training
  • Standard protocols followed by clinicians
  • Qualified IVF consultants
  • Transparency in the IVF costing
  • Lab Ethics, no mixture of gametes, double-checking done in lab and OT.
  • High-quality consumables in the lab

Learn more about: Things you should know about IVF Treatment

Assisted reproductive technology is rapidly increasing and Cloudnine fertility along with all its resources is employing the best and most advanced strategy to facilitate the growth of this futuristic technology. Cloudnine's fertility specialists are always up and moving to help out any and every couple aspiring to become parents. Booking consultations as easy as it can get, just downloading Cloudnine's 'It's our baby App' does half the task, rest, booking a consultation on the app along with all the other services is a child's play. We hope your dreams of becoming parents are fulfilled at our centres. Wishing you all, a happy IVF month!