Technology Turntable: How ICSI Is Transforming Fertility Solutions on Cloudnine

May 2, 2024
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If there were a museum for male fertility treatments, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) would be the pièce de résistance, cast under the brightest spotlight. The procedure has become a game-changer for fertility outcomes on Cloudnine and has led to shorter lead times for conception. ICSI is designed to work in conjunction with In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) to offer healthier, faster outcomes.

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Understanding ICSI

ICSI and IVF go hand in hand, and serve as complementary procedures. ICSI is suited for men with poor sperm count, function or delivery. It is also helpful for men who experience difficulty ejaculating or have undergone a vasectomy in the past. Sometimes, ICSI is elevated through an auxiliary medical procedure called physiological intracytoplasmic sperm injection (PICSI). PICSI links into ICSI by identifying the healthiest sperm for injection; by doing so, the odds of fertilisation during IVF treatment significantly rise.

Suitable Profiles for ICSI

ICSI is recommended for couples where the male partner demonstrates one or more conditions listed below.

  • Low Sperm Count

Low sperm count can be sidestepped by injecting a single healthy sperm cell directly into an egg.

  • Abnormally Shaped Sperm

Healthy sperm are flanked by a circular head on one end and a long, pointy tail on the other. Misshapen sperm can have a hard time reaching and penetrating an egg. ICSI can help identify healthy sperm in cases where morphology is a problem.

  • Obstruction in the Vasa Deferentia

When the tubes (vasa deferentia) that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra are blocked, either naturally or as a result of a vasectomy, ICSI can help by extracting sperm directly from the testicles through surgical sperm retrieval.

Steps of ICSI on Cloudnine

ICSI is typically divided into five main steps.

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  • Step 1. Sperm Collection

First, a semen sample is collected from the male partner. This semen may be organically drawn or obtained via a surgical testicular procedure.

  • Step 2. Egg Collection

Once a sperm sample has been collected, a selection of mature eggs are surgically retrieved from the female partner.

  • Step 3. Sperm Injection

An embryologist carefully injects a single sperm cell into a healthy egg using a hollow needle.

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  • Step 4. Observation

Once an egg and sperm unite, they form a minute embryo, which is cultured in a laboratory for approximately four days. On Cloudnine, our advanced monitoring systems cocoon embryos in optimal conditions.

  • Step 5. Implantation

Once an embryo is about four days old, it is placed inside the uterus. A few days later, it burrows itself into the uterine lining through a process known as implantation.

Advantages of ICSI on Cloudnine

ICSI has played a tremendous role in enhancing the IVF quiver on Cloudnine. With meticulous sperm selection, direct fertilisation and time lapse monitoring, ICSI has the potential to combat even the most complex male infertility conditions and has led to superior IVF outcomes. ICSI leaves little to trial and error, offering a scientific blueprint for customised fertility solutions. Regardless of your profile or condition, a customised treatment plan is always within reach. Meet a fertility specialist on Cloudnine to uncover yours.