Of Food & Fertility: The Link Between Poor Eating Habits and Infertility

May 2, 2024
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9PM. Another late night at the dungeon of drudgery. Boss out, pizza in. Because, let's face it, can you think of a better way to get through a work-laden weeknight? Ugh.

If that sounds like your typical after-hours office schedule, you're not alone. Skipped breakfasts, whirlwind lunches, teatime thela trips and decadent desk place dinners are turning into something of a norm in India Inc, robbing corporate denizens of their health - and fertility - one missed meal at a time. There's an inherent link between food and fertility, with poor nutrition directly affecting a woman's ovulatory function.

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With ovulatory disorder serving as one of the most common causes of female infertility today, the impact of food on fertility is one worth probing.

Understanding Ovulatory Disorder

Ovulatory disorder refers to the cessation or irregularity of a woman's menstrual cycle. Some women with the condition, who do still experience periods, may suffer from poor egg quality, fail to release healthy eggs, or stop releasing eggs altogether. While ovulatory disorders are still shrouded in several unanswered questions, researchers do know that they can be an outcome of nutritional deficiencies, over-exercise, hormonal imbalances or insulin resistance.

The Fertility Diet

Fertility stems from a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy lifestyle is something every individual should strive to maintain - whether trying to conceive or not. While there are various views on which exact foods are magic fixes for fertility, it is well-accepted that certain food groups play a critical role in governing ovulation. Whip out your shopping list and take note.

Here goes.


Healthy Fats

Swap out trans fats with healthy fats with nuts, fish and vegetable oils. These will not only safeguard your fertility, but also protect your heart, blood vessels and insulin function.

Vegetable Protein

If you're the carnivorous kind who regards protein as all things meat, it's wise to mix up your protein sources with an extra helping or two of veggies. Boost your fertility with options like soya, beans, peas and nuts.

Slow Carbs

The body processes fibre-rich carbs more slowly than low-fibre carbs, allowing for optimum insulin function, consistent blood glucose levels and improved fertility. What are slow carbs, you ask? Some options include whole grains, fresh veggies, beans and fruit.


Disregard the low-fat labels on your shopping jaunts, especially when it comes to dairy. It is thought that full-fat dairy is healthier than skimmed dairy, so don't feel guilty about going for the cream.


In fertility, as in health, foods that brim with iron can do wonders. Load up on tomatoes, beetroot, spinach, methi and pumpkin!



Flood your body with water to flush out toxins and stimulate circulation. Minimise your tea and coffee intake, and limit alcohol consumption to the occasional glass of wine. Stay away from sodas and sugary juices. Instead, opt for simple sugar-free beverages like nimbu pani and fresh homemade juices. Cutting preservatives and sugar from your diet can restore insulin function, keep your weight in check and promote ovulation.

Good nutrition is a lifestyle you can work into your existing work schedule. Start by carrying a healthy lunch from home, and provision mini-meals like cut fruit, buttermilk, veggie sticks and a sandwich every two hours at your desk. Keeping your tummy busy throughout the day can help in maintaining blood sugar levels and minimising hunger pangs.


In the long run, your diet can serve as a natural antidote to infertility. If you're considering a fertility hospital to help you on your way to conception, make a stop at the fertility clinic on Cloudnine to discover a diet that works for you.